A Holistic Corporate Health Product
Over the last 10+ years, many organizations have implemented corporate wellness programs in an effort to improve the health of their employees. They may have done so to attract and retain employees, improve overall productivity levels or to manage ever growing healthcare costs and impact their bottom line.
The Problem?
For many companies, it didn’t work like they thought it would. And as it turns out, a wellness program is a lot of work and requires people to take ownership of its strategy and manage it effectively.
Why didn’t it work?
Healthcare is actually a really weak determinant for health. If we want to understand health, we have to go way up stream. What is impacting people long before they get sick? Oftentimes, their communities and their workplaces are often culprits.
“The “Unmentionables” are the factors that are actually driving health or a lack thereof, and we’re just not talking about them. The biggest ones are things like financial stress, relationship stress, workplace stress, and caregiver stress. If you were to do a root-cause analysis for why somebody is eating poorly and not exercising or sleeping, usually it’ll come down to, well my mother with Alzheimer’s just moved in, or I hate my boss so much I can’t breathe, or my husband just lost his job, and I’m afraid we’re going to lose our house.”
- Nearly 60% of American workers report concerns regarding stress and burnout while employees that experienced a decline were 5x more likely to report taking on reduced responsibilities. (Bloomberg Law. 2021, August 19)
- 45% of individuals with a clinical-level mental problem in the United States do not seek professional help. (Bloomberg Law. 2021, August 19)
Wellness programs aren’t typically addressing things like this. They don’t address this level of stress and burn out. They don’t dig deeper to figure out why employees are burning out and what an organization can do about it. They also don’t address dysfunction or drama in the workplace.
Tidal is unlike any other offering in the marketplace. It focuses not only on employees’ health but also the health of the organization. This service combines the work of corporate wellness and organizational development to meet the needs of the company and those employed there.
One vendor provides one comprehensive program aimed at improving the social-emotional health of a business, its leaders and its associates.
Reflects an associate’s everyday health and wellness behaviors that affect their own health. In this domain, we are concerned with an associate’s interaction with their environment, their physical and nutritional behaviors and the consequences it has on their wellbeing. Musculoskeletal disorders are the most common cause of disability in the United States and exploring underlying causes can work to reduce interference with work or participation in life.
- A 2022 Gallup survey showed fewer than one in four U.S. employees feel strongly that their organization cares about their wellbeing — the lowest percentage in nearly a decade.
- According to Harvard Business Review, topping the list for non-participation were a lack of information or awareness, inconvenience, unsupportive company culture, and trust and privacy concerns with their employer.
- Of all the barriers named, 69% of nonparticipants cited the former — employees saying they simply weren’t aware their workplace had a wellness program to begin with.
- Seventy-five percent of the participants say wellness programs are an important part of a health, wellness, and fitness program. It could come from knowledgeable “live” experts — coaches and specialists — who are credible, easy to access, and provide one-on-one support for their specific needs.
- 70% of employee participants reported that their company’s offering is an indicator that their employer cares about them.
Reflects the associates’ ability to identify, manage and improve their social relationships and interactions as well as their emotional health. This is the domain that predicts an employee’s ability to handle stress, adversity and predict resiliency. Many times an associate’s mental health status predicts their overall function and is often an indication of the overall culture of a business.
- According to 2021 Mental Health At Work Report by MindShare Partners, 68% percent of Millennials (50% in 2019) and 81% of Gen Zers (75% in 2019) have left roles for mental health reasons, both voluntarily and involuntarily, compared with 50% of respondents overall (34% in 2019). Ninety-one percent of respondents believed that a company’s culture should support mental health, up from 86% in 2019.
- 84% of respondents reported at least one workplace factor that negatively impacted their mental health.
- Seventy-six percent of respondents reported at least one symptom of a mental health condition in the past year, up from 59% in 2019.
- Our 2019 study showed the same prevalence of mental health symptoms across all levels of seniority, debunking the myth that successful leaders are immune. Perhaps as a result of having to lead through this unprecedented era, our 2021 study showed that C-level and executive respondents were now actually more likely than others to report at least one mental health symptom.
- Only 49% of respondents who acknowledged discussing their mental health with someone at work described their experience as positive or reported that they received a positive or supportive response, which is comparable to 2019 rates.
Reflects an associate’s overall function on a systematic basis. An associate’s medical function is a reflection of their overall health. By prioritizing medical health, we can identify early signs of disease or disability to potentially mitigate costs and time away from work. This also allows an employee to have reduced mortality or morbidity.
Reflects the overall health and wellness of the business, ensuring the system aspects of the workplace improve engagement and wellbeing. If the workplace is unhealthy, any spend on wellness is worthless.