Andree Philpot
Andree is an accredited Trauma-Sensitive Yoga instructor with years of experience in working with survivors of trauma. She first began her interest in trauma-sensitive yoga while working with survivors of human trafficking in Nepal. She now works with trauma survivors in Cincinnati where she lives with her husband and one-year-old daughter.

Want to know more about Andree? See her interview below.
How did you get into your field?
I was living in Nepal working with local anti-human trafficking organizations as a trauma-informed education expert. I began to work with a team with the goal of creating a holistic aftercare program for minor survivors of trafficking. As a part of this work, I was looking into methods of treating PTSD and trauma-symptoms when I came across the astounding research-backed claims of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga. I see Trauma-Sensitive Yoga as a different modality that I am able to utilize in helping survivors heal from trauma and PTSD-related symptoms.
What is your training background?
I received my accreditation from the Justice Research Institute after completing a 300-hour certification course. I have been teaching for a couple months now!
Who influenced your career path (who have you enjoyed learning from, mentor, etc.)?
Everyone in the anti-trafficking space, from investigators to therapists to caretakers, inspires me and has had a hand in my mentorship and growth.
What makes you love your field?
I am passionate about seeing people heal from their trauma in order to live more fulfilling lives. I love being able to empower others through increased agency and self-efficacy. I want to help everyone feel safe and empowered in their body, free from trauma-based symptoms.
What kind of clients do you love working with?
I specialize in clientele that suffers from PTSD, treatment-resistant PTSD, has experienced any bodily trauma, or that has trauma-related symptoms such as anxiety, depression, etc…
What sets you apart?
I have extensive experience in working with survivors of trauma and I am uniquely trained in combining somatic therapy in the form of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga. I am the only accredited facilitator of trauma-sensitive yoga from JRI in the Cincinnati area.
What’s your mission?
My mission is to create safe spaces for transformative healing from trauma and PTSD through movement.
What do you do with your spare time?
I read a lot of books, play with my daughter, and travel whenever I can!
How Do We Follow You?
Instagram: @therapeuticyogacincy