Therapy As Unique As You Are

We are each incredibly complex and different beings and no two individuals are alike. Keeping that in mind, there is no protocol for your care. We work together to understand your goals and together we devise a plan individually tailored for you. Below are a list of our treatment offerings.

Therapy As Unique As You Are

We are each incredibly complex and different beings and no two individuals are alike. Keeping that in mind, there is no protocol for your care. We work together to understand your goals and together we devise a plan individually tailored for you. Below are a list of our treatment offerings.

Manual therapy techniques are skilled hand movements and skilled passive movements of joints and soft tissue. They are intended to improve tissue extensibility, increase range of motion, induce relaxation, mobilize or manipulate soft tissue and joints, modulate pain and reduce soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction. Techniques may include manual lymphatic drainage, manual traction, massage, mobilization/manipulation, and passive range of motion.

The Yoga Tune Up® is a blend of yoga and corrective exercise principles combined with various stretching modalities designed to highlight joint mobility and stability. This provides relief from chronic tension, increased strength and movement.

Trigger point dry needling (TrP-DN), also referred to as intramuscular stimulation (IMS), is an invasive procedure in which an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle. As the name implies, TrP-DN is directed at myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), which are defined as “hyperirritable spots in skeletal muscle that are associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule in a taut band.”

Pilates rehabilitation works for many reasons. A perfect way for a person to gain strength in the weaker or injured muscles and joints is by giving great attention to detail and form. Pilates is gentle on the joints, so there is little worry of over stressing an already stressed body. Pilates also develops the smaller muscle groups, helping chronically weak and imbalanced muscles become equally strong.

Visceral manipulation is a gentle manual treatment approach that addresses tension in the soft tissue connections within and around our organs. By addressing tension in the abdomen around the organs, the aim is to restore movement of the tissues that surround and suspend our organs thus relieving tension and restriction in surrounding structures that can become painful as a result of changes in movement.

“Trauma may begin as acute stress from a perceived life-threat or as the end product of cumulative stress. Both types of stress can seriously impair a person’s ability to function with resilience and ease. Trauma may result from a wide variety of stressors such as accidents, invasive medical procedures, sexual or physical assault, emotional abuse, neglect, war, natural disasters, loss, birth trauma, or the corrosive stressors of ongoing fear and conflict.” (Source: Somatic Experiencing®)

Nutrition counseling is an ongoing process in which our Anchor Wellness Center Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RD/RDN) works with an individual to assess his or her usual dietary intake and identify areas where change is needed. The nutrition counselor provides information, educational materials, support and follow-up care to help the individual make and maintain the needed dietary changes.

Knowledge of the causes of TMD are helping qualified physical therapists discover how muscle and joint remobilization techniques can dramatically decrease the symptoms related to TMD, and in some cases eliminate most of the headaches related to the disorder. Manual physical therapy includes hands on techniques to improve joint motion and reduce muscle stiffness, trigger points around the jaw to alleviate stress on the disk and joint. These mobilizations are used to help the disk move in a normal way, decrease pain, and increase motion.

Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. This essential “time element” has to do with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate.

Exercise prescription is based on 5 principles: type, duration, frequency, intensity, and volume. Type refers to mode of exercise training, with the main forms being aerobic (i.e. endurance training), resistance (i.e. strength training), flexibility, and balance. The length and number of exercise sessions performed within a given time frame, are described by duration and frequency, respectively. Intensity is defined as the level of effort being exerted by the participant and can be measured in a variety of ways.

Retraining our core involves learning how to breathe properly again, activating our pelvic floor, and then engaging our transversus abdominal muscles. These three items build up our inner foundation. When building our inner core, the exercises are simple and may require more mental capacity than physical. As we master these basic foundational skills that we once had before pregnancy, we can then move on to the more strenuous core strengthening that you have been patiently waiting to begin.

Functional training is fitness with a purpose. That purpose can be getting better at everyday activities or it can be optimizing performance. A majority of functional training movements are multi-joint, and a functional training program should incorporate movements in multiple planes. That means moving forward and backward, side to side, and incorporating rotational movements.

The DUTCH Complete is an industry-leading dried urine test providing the most comprehensive hormone assessment available, while DUTCH Cycle Mapping tracks progesterone and estrogen patterns throughout the menstrual cycle answering important questions for cycling and perimenopausal females. 

Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP™) is a test to determine what microbes are in a patient stool sample, and in what quantities. It works by repeatedly copying any DNA in the sample and then analyzing what and how much DNA it finds.

Running Analysis

Our running assessments involve a movement screen and a look into your history of running and injuries. The physical therapists analyze your running shoes as well as your runner’s gait to decide where your pain is stemming from and/or how you can better your posture to run in a manner that doesn’t hurt you.

The Metabolic Efficiency Assessment is a personalized, comprehensive evaluation for metabolism, nutrition, and exercise. We provide a toolkit to support nutrition and exercise challenges for all patients.

A running analysis includes a thorough history of the runner’s athletic history, a review of training logs, shoe selection and any previous injuries, as well as identification of what goals the runner has. A basic movement screen is conducted before the athlete begins to run on a treadmill.




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