Chronic Pain Therapy
Chronic or persistent pain is pain that last for months or years.
We’ve learned from treating individuals with chronic and persistent pain for nearly 10 years through chronic pain therapy that most people’s pain relates back to a time in history.
Sometimes there is a specific injury or traumatic event that correlates with one’s pain. Other times we connect the dots to periods of time with excessive stress.
At Anchor Wellness Center, we focus on peeling away the layers of disorder to address the underlying cause of each person’s pain. Our Chronic Pain Therapy interventions are aimed at addressing the key components to pain.
Common chronic pain complaints include:
Low back pain
Arthritis pain
Neurogenic pain (pain resulting from damage to the peripheral nerves or to the central nervous system itself)
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Chronic Lyme Disease
And more…
Hope Exists
At Anchor Wellness Center, we are dedicated to overcoming pain so our clients can get back to the life they love. We focus on a few key elements in treating pain: education, desensitization and movement.
The combination of pain education, desensitization training and movement has shown significant benefit in helping people with persistent pain.