Why am I sore after a workout?

Why am I sore after a workout?

What is muscle soreness? If you’ve ever heard of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), then you know exactly what I am talking about. Do you know that pain you feel when you get out of bed the day after a heavy leg workout? How about that discomfort getting...
Will a heel lift help my pain?

Will a heel lift help my pain?

Have you been told you have a leg length discrepancy? Have your legs ever been measured with a tape measure? The answer to this second question is often no. We have come across providers that prescribe heel lifts often. Some justify this is the answer for leg length...
What Is Chronic Pain?

What Is Chronic Pain?

What is Chronic Pain? Are you someone who deals with pain daily for and has for at least the last 3 months? If so, let’s talk about the difference between acute and chronic pain. Acute Pain Acute pain is used to warns us of potential damage and usually comes on...