Three Strategies for Tackling School Stress Together
Many parents welcome August and the start of the new school year. After the summer shuffle of vacations and summer camps, parents can be ready for the return to a set schedule. However, with school comes its own new to-do lists and additions to the "mental load," as...

How Has Therapy Failed You, Series Finale
In this third & final part of this series... I want to touch on the third main way I believe therapy has failed moms. As a perinatal mental health therapist, my specialty is working with individuals in all stages of raising a family. In my years of...

How Does Massage Therapy Dictate Our Overall Wellbeing?
Massage strongly impacts the nervous system which, in turn, helps dictate our overall wellbeing. Recently, a new client came in and began telling her story of six months of chronic upper body pain, muscle spasms, periodic tingling in her hands plus lack of...
How Has Therapy Failed Moms, Part 2?
As a perinatal mental health therapist, my specialty is working with individuals in all stages of raising a young family. From pregnancy to postpartum and beyond, I focus on helping those who feel like they are overwhelmed, stuck, or lonely in their stage of life....
Trusting the Process
As a personal trainer with 11 years of experience I have trained all types of people. My areas of expertise are in corrective exercise and athletic performance. The biggest hurdle that I must overcome is the mindset of my potential clients. In my initial consultations...
Happy National Simplicity Day!
Today is a good opportunity to pause and take inventory of how we are living our lives each day and what we are filling our time with. Reflecting on our values can guide us in determining what we want to keep in our lives and what is no longer serving us. In...

How Has Therapy Failed Moms, Part 1?
As a perinatal mental health therapist, my specialty is working with individuals in all stages of raising a young family. From pregnancy to postpartum and beyond, I focus on helping those who feel like they are overwhelmed, stuck, or lonely in their stage of life. ...

Play as Self-Care & as an Occupation by Abby Thrasher, MS, OTR/L, A-CFHC, NBC-HWC
Have you ever thought about play as a form of self-care? What about as an occupation? As we move into the season of Summer, many of us welcome more sun, warmth and time for rest and relaxation, travel, or a vacation. These warmer months bring more opportunities for...

It’s Your Time to Bloom by Abby Thrasher, MS, OTR, A-CFHC
Your time to bloom... As we move into the season of Spring, we welcome the sun, warm weather activities, and the beautiful colors of nature re-emerging and blooming. This is a time that invites us to reflect on where we’ve been, how we’ve grown and in what ways we...

Ankle Sprain Rehab: More than just 4-way Ankle Theraband exercises? by Jacqueline Sanders, PT, DP
Ankle Sprain Rehab: More than TheraBand exercises? Ankle sprains are very common in athletics across a multitude of sports at a variety of performance levels: it seems most athletes from young to more mature, recreational to professional have experienced an ankle...