What is the GI-Map Test by Tirzah Thompson, RD.

What is the GI-Map Test by Tirzah Thompson, RD.

What is the GI-Map Test? The Gi Microbial Assay Plus (Gi-Map) test is a DNA-based stool test that provides a highly detailed analysis of one’s gut microbiome. This test analyzes levels of both good and bad bacteria, viruses, parasites, worms, fungi, as well as immune...
What is TMD? By Dr. Samantha Dove

What is TMD? By Dr. Samantha Dove

What is TMD? TMD stands for temporomandibular joint dysfunction (also known as TMJD). TMD is an all-encompassing term for any jaw-related dysfunction causing symptoms and/or affecting your quality of life. You do not have to experience clicking and popping in your jaw...